The Star has recently published an interview of a mother with her butterfly child. And Dr. Sabeera talking about what is Epidermolysis Bullosa, a group of rare genetic skin disease which is likely underdiagnosed in this part of the world as the awareness of its presence isn't high, not only among layperson but also among healthcare providers.
DEBRA Malaysia has "hunt down" about 100 families in Malaysia suffering from this condition since its establishment in 2013. I thought this video from DEBRA UK is a very nice illustration of what EB is all about, click play if you are interested to know. :)
DEBRA Malaysia has "hunt down" about 100 families in Malaysia suffering from this condition since its establishment in 2013. I thought this video from DEBRA UK is a very nice illustration of what EB is all about, click play if you are interested to know. :)